
Abuse at the hands of others (sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, and financial) is one of the most shattering results of life in a broken world.  We at Maranatha Family Counseling grieve deeply with those who have or are experiencing abuse. We have a multifaceted strategy that acknowledges the complexities of abuse and offers compassion. Our long-term treatment approach is flexible and dynamic to meet the needs of our clients, but initially it includes three elements. 

Address safety concerns 

Our first priority is to ensure the safety of everyone involved as much as possible. This may involve helping clients create a safety plan if abuse is ongoing. We may also conduct individual safety assessments as those who have experienced abuse are at a higher risk of self-harm. 

Stabilize the client 

Abuse of any kind is traumatic, and survivors seeking treatment are frequently reacting with intense emotions. They may be having unwanted memories or thoughts related to their abuse or it may be triggered by things that remind them of bad memories. These reactions cause them to experience intense mood swings and fear. Talking about abuse can cause further emotional turmoil. Therefore, we begin counseling by teaching clients to regulate their emotions, so they are more prepared to face difficult memories. We educate on the effects of trauma and encourage them to learn more on who God is, and how He cares for the oppressed. 

Treatment planning

After ensuring safety and stability, we involve clients in creating counseling goals that addresses their need for healing that include staff at our practice and helpers outside our practice as well.  


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Offering faith-based mental health services to instill hope, healing, and resilience. Guiding individuals, couples, and families towards emotional wellbeing.